Savage Sam

Savage Sam

Page 2

Magazine articles

Comic book

Coloring book


Press releases


Savage Sam

October 1963
Walt Disney's World of Adventure

Savage Sam has always been an underrated movie. Let's face it, how could any sequel to Ol' Yeller possibly hope to compete?
Under normal circumstance, Sam would be typical 60's family fare from Disney; under the shadow of Yeller, it's simply overpowered. Even in print, Sam continued to get short shrift. The movie doesn't even rate a full comic book from Disney. A third of the issue is devoted to a Captain Nemo adventure, giving even less room to the telling of Sam. Of course, since comic books are aimed for boys, it's Lizbeth Searcy's who is all but cut from the story. Uncle Beck Coates also is watered down.

The Savage Sam comic book was later broken into weekly installments for use in Walt Disney's Treasury of Classic Tales, a Sunday newspaper comic strip that also ran other comic books from the Disney studios - Son of Flubber, Pollyanna, Swiss Family Robinson, etc.