Gossip is gossip. How accurate is the average TV gossip magazine? Consider the three pictures below. The first two were obviously taken at the same gathering, but they appeared in rival rags 10 months apart. Most have been a hell of a party to last that long. The third one is at a fund raiser, but Marta is listed as being F Troop costar Melody Patterson. Why Melody would have given up the buckskins for velour is not mentioned...


Screenland - June 1966

Does She Know?
There are those who think Lee Majors, Big Valley Star, is planning to elope with beach bunny Patti Chandler, but if that's true, then how come he's been giving horseback riding lessons to a very pretty blonde starlet on weekends?


TV Photo Story -
April 1967
"Why Girls are Afraid to Love Lee Majors"


TV and Movie Screen
June 1967