Print Media

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Jack and Jill - June 1963
Heroine of "SAVAGE SAM"
Movie Teen Illustrated - November 1963
A Teen Adventure in the Old West - Savage Sam

TV Guide - November 20-26, 1965
Norwegian Cinderella

In magazine - May 1966
This is My Hollywood

Mad magazine - July 1966
Loused Up in Space - A Mad TV Satire

TV Picture Life - November 1966
Nobody Wanted Me! (Part of a 6 page Lost in Space bonus section)

Movieland & TV Time- May 1967
My Husband Goes to School!

Elokuva-Aitta - No.12 - 1967
Marta Kristen Sai Tiedon Suomalaisesta Äidutään

Elokuva-Aitta - No. 16 - 1967
Marta Kristen: Kun Näin Helmi Rusanen Lasten Kuvat Uskoin Heti, Että Hän On Oikea Äitini

Los Angeles Times (carried nationally by newswire) - December 1975
Elderly Couple Ventures Into Peace Corps

Starlog - October 1988 (#135)
Marta Kristen: "Viking Princess" of the "All-American Space Family Robinson"
Starburst - Summer Special #36 (1998)
Marta Kristen: Back to the Future
Biography Magazine, November 1998
Where Are They Now? Marta Kristen
Out and About with LISA Jan 1999
A Private Audience with Marta Kristen by Kevin J Pellew.
 column of Lost in Space Australia
The Pen & Quill - Nov-Dec 2003
Q&A with Marta Kristen by David Priol

Kitbuilders #51 June 2005
model builder extraordinaire Daniel Jorgensen's article on building the Robot kit from Aurora with a customization to include the Marta Kristen kit and a lighting kit



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